Danstoker Extranet

Efficiency for Oil and Gas Boiler, Siegert's formula

Program version: 2011-04-11

Calculate the efficiency of oil and gas boiler

Flue Gas temperature: ºC
Reference temperature: ºC
O2-dry in flue gas: vol %
Radiation and convection heat loss: % 0.25 for small and 0.16 for big Danstoker boiler
Efficiency on Net CV:
N-gas: 94.2 %
Gasoil: 94.32 %
Heavy oil: 94.18 %
Efficiency on Gross CV:
N-gas: 85.06 %
Gasoil: 88.66 %
Heavy oil: 88.96 %

Calculated: 2024-09-01 04:09:11